Many Chicago residents are aware that Illinois has cracked down more and more on drunk driving in recent years. In fact, Mothers Against Drunk Driving recently decided to give our state five stars for taking significant measures to prevent drunk driving car accidents. This is the group’s highest rating. This very high praise from MADD should be a reminder to Chicago area residents that lawmakers and police are very serious about fighting drunk driving. As a result of this, DUI charges are prosecuted very seriously in Illinois and the penalties can be severe.
The Illinois Transportation Secretary has recently expressed how the state has no tolerance for drunk driving. She has also stated that the state is working hard to implement various programs to prevent drunk driving. Even though our state is tough on drunk drivers, defendants of drunk driving charges do have rights that must be protected during the police investigation, the arrest and throughout the legal process that follows.
Those who face DUI charges in Illinois may benefit from talking to a drunk driving defense attorney about their rights.
Details surrounding the field sobriety tests and breath tests must also be examined to learn whether the conclusions drawn from these tests can be trusted. Often, these tests are flawed.
While the state of Illinois is focused on curbing drunk driving, the law does maintain that citizens are innocent until proven guilty. DUI defendants need to understand their rights and options in order to make wise decisions in their cases.
Source:, “Illinois gets 5 stars in preventing drunken driving,” Todd Shields, Jan. 30, 2014