Summer is a time of cookouts, vacations and fun in the sun. For many Illinois citizens, the Fourth of July holiday is the highlight of the summer season. Independence Day is often celebrated with food, fireworks and adult beverages. Unfortunately, the Fourth of July holiday is also one of the most dangerous times of the year, as many people get behind the wheel while intoxicated. Police across the state typically make more DUI arrests during holidays as they ramp up patrols.
This year, the Lockport Police Department enforced two safety campaigns over the Fourth of July holiday, and the results were recently released. The safety campaigns, known as “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” and “Click It or Ticket,” focused on safety by keeping impaired drivers off the road and enforcing seat belt laws. Lockport police said they issued a number of citations and arrested one driver.
During the campaign, Lockport officers issued 13 seat belt citations, three electronic citations, seven speeding citations and 10 other equipment/moving violations. Officers said they also arrested one driver for DUI. During the crackdown, Lockport Police joined forces with more than 160 other local and state law enforcement agencies.
Everyone knows that driving under the influence of alcohol is never a good idea. A DUI charge can ruin a person’s reputation and can also mean big fines and jail time for those convicted. However, those in Illinois who have been charged with DUI have options that can help them during this stressful experience. An experienced attorney can work to obtain the best possible outcome relative to the situation and ensure the protection of individual rights.