Lawmakers reassess financial aid rules regarding drug charges

Those charged with burglary can still get federal financial aid for college. However, current policies can make it difficult for students with drug charges to get the same federal financial support.

That’s due to recent changes in federal aid application for the next school year, which includes a question about selling or possession charges. If a student answers that they were charged, the Department of Education could revoke their financial aid until they complete a rehabilitation program or pass two random drug tests.

According to a recent report, more than 1000 students were considered ineligible for financial aid because they had a drug-related charge on their record or did not correctly answer the question.

A desire to invest in young people’s success

In response to these rules, some members of Congress are looking to limit the number of students who are denied federal aid. Some made comments saying that investing in a person’s education can help them achieve throughout their lifetime.

Other advocates of the measure have said current rules can have a disproportionate impact on students, depending on their economic standing. They say students charged with drug crimes whose parents can pay for their college may be unaffected, while those paying for their own schooling may have a harder time seeking future opportunities.

Even minor drug charges can have severe penalties

Being found guilty of a drug crime can have a severe impact on a student’s education and career options in their life. For students who are currently facing drug charges, an experienced criminal defense attorney can be a strong proponent in protecting their interests and making sure they are treated fairly in court.