Maintaining focus in an overwhelming situation can be difficult. It can also be challenging to have to go through long periods of waiting when trying to handle a serious ordeal. Unfortunately, criminal cases can be overwhelming and take a long time to address. As a result, individuals facing serious charges, like those relating to a homicide, can easily feel stressed about their ordeals. Three individualsContinue reading
Category: Criminal Defense
Category: Criminal Defense
Did your work environment encourage unethical acts?
It is not unusual for otherwise innocent people to be a part of potentially questionable activity. You may have started your job with aspirations of gaining promotions, awards and other incentives offered by your employer. What you may not have expected, however, was to come under investigation for white-collar crime. It may be somewhat surprising to consider, but your work environment may have encouraged behaviorsContinue reading
Traffic violations continue to be issues on Illinois roads
These days, making plans to go out with friends may not be as common as many Illinois residents would hope. As a result, fewer vehicles are constantly hitting the roadways, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that accidents have become a nonissue. In fact, with fewer vehicles on the road, some drivers may think they can bend the rules and commit traffic violations, which can quicklyContinue reading
A grand jury indictment can lead to formal charges
You may have recently learned that authorities have you under investigation for a serious crime. Understandably, such information may have you feeling on edge and wondering what will happen to your future. Of course, it is important to remember that an investigation does not necessarily mean that you will face formal criminal charges. Typically, after an investigation, the prosecution will present evidence to a grandContinue reading
Teen facing felony criminal charges after alleged threat
It is common for young people to make mistakes and not fully think through their actions. Of course, if they make someone else feel threatened, that mistake could lead to criminal charges. As a result, a juvenile could end up in need of a criminal defense if authorities charge him or her with a crime. It was recently reported that a threat to a schoolContinue reading
Criminal defense info may help man charged after crash
Some people can certainly have worse days than other individuals. For instance, a person could end up in a situation that involves a car accident, a police investigation and criminal charges. While no one plans to end up in this type of ordeal, it could happen, and anyone accused of a crime could end up needing information on criminal defense options. One man recently arrested inContinue reading
Over a year after alleged incident, man facing criminal charges
Social media allows people to share about any aspect of their lives that they wish. In some cases, individuals may share too much, and if a post depicts a person doing something illegal, authorities could begin an investigation. In many cases, if the investigation leads to the identification of a suspect, criminal charges could result. It was recently reported that a 20-year-old man in Illinois wasContinue reading
Young men in need of criminal defense after alleged robberies
Young people do not always think through the possible consequences of their actions. They may think that if they have gotten away with doing something in the past, then they will be able to get away with it again. They may even possibly think that their actions will not draw the attention of the police. Unfortunately, this type of thinking can land young people inContinue reading
Violating Scott’s Law can lead to traffic tickets
Most people drive along the roadways simply hoping to make it to their destinations on time. Of course, some people may find themselves in a hurry and not pay close enough attention to their surroundings or to the rules of the road. If a person does try to cut corners while driving, it is possible for him or her to face traffic tickets. It wasContinue reading
Apparent misunderstanding leads to murder charge
When a misunderstanding occurs, it is possible for the outcomes to be more serious than some people may imagine. For example, if a person believes that another individual has harmed his or her family, that person may feel the need to seek retribution. However, that desire could go too far, and in some circumstances the person could end up facing serious criminal charges for murder.Continue reading