If you are convicted of driving under the influence, you will most likely face some or all of the following possible punishments. This can range from alcohol treatment classes, license revocation or prison time. This article will briefly go over the various possible consequences of a DUI charge and how a lawyer may assist you. One of the lighter possible consequences is the attachment ofContinue reading
Category: Drunk Driving
Category: Drunk Driving
Can you get hit with a DUI if you blow less than 0.08?
Everyone is familiar with the legal limit for blood-alcohol content (BAC), which is 0.08 percent. This equates to roughly two drinks an hour for a standard 180-pound male. Don’t take this advice as gospel, however, because BAC calculations are highly variable based upon height, weight and metabolism. If you take the chemical test and your BAC is above 0.08 percent then you are legally drunkContinue reading
Unreliable evidence can work in your favor
For drivers in Illinois, the chance of acquiring a drunk driving conviction is a worrying one. It is all too easy to go over the limit without realizing and before you know it you could be faced with the possibility of hefty fines and the loss of your driver’s license or even your vehicle. You might even be sent to prison. On top of allContinue reading
Illinois accident linked to DUI suspicions
When accidents occur on the roads of Illinois, officials quickly step in to determine the cause of the incident and try to prevent its repetition. As such, this often involves the investigation of any drivers involved in the crash, in order to determine whether any may have been under the influence of alcohol. If officers believe you to have been driving drunk, or your bloodContinue reading
DUI charges can damage your future
Many drivers in Illinois rely on their vehicles for a large portion of their daily lives. Whether you need to drive to work, take your children to school or even use your car to pick up groceries, suddenly losing the ability to do so can be a big problem. Unfortunately, if you are investigated for drunk driving, that is exactly what could happen. The bigContinue reading
Illinois man charged with drunk driving
A DUI charge can be a very serious matter, particularly if you have previous convictions. As many drivers in Illinois know, the investigative process alone can be drawn out and time-consuming, not to mention emotionally draining. Furthermore, if you are found guilty of the drunk driving charges against you, there is a chance that you could be fined or even sentenced to time in prison.Continue reading
Be prepared to fight back against drunk driving charges
Every driver in Illinois has had an off-day. Perhaps it had been a difficult day in the office, you received some upsetting news or maybe you were simply exhausted. There are many reasons people make mistakes on the road, yet the sad fact is that the slightest error can lead to an accident, so officers are constantly on the lookout for any signs of erraticContinue reading
If you are forced to drive drunk you might escape conviction
For a driver in Illinois, particularly if driving is part of your job, a drunk driving conviction can be a serious matter. Aside from the potential fines and even prison time, you could have your driver’s license suspended or revoked, leaving you unable to get around. It could even cost you your job. While you may be able to apply for a limited license allowingContinue reading
Is imprisonment certain with a DUI conviction?
Being convicted of drunk driving in Illinois can seriously affect your life. Aside from anything else, you may lose your driver’s license, meaning you need to rethink how you get around. This might even mean that you struggle to get to work. Although it is possible to receive a limited license for essential trips, it is not definite that you will be eligible. Furthermore, aContinue reading
Know how to get your license reinstated
If you are stopped on suspicion of drunk driving in Illinois, there are several things that could happen. For example, you may be asked to submit to a series of tests to determine your sobriety and blood alcohol concentration. If these show you to be over the legal limit, you could face charges. However, if you refuse these tests, implied consent laws could mean thatContinue reading