A Chicago man is facing serious criminal charges after an incident that happened this weekend. The 32-year-old man was arrested after police received a call about an armed robbery in Evanston. When police found a car matching the description the caller provided, they attempted to stop it. The Chicago man, however, fled the scene. Evanston police arrested him after he crashed into multiple cars. DuringContinue reading
Naperville Criminal Defense Law Blog
Stun gun incident caught on videotape in Chicago
It certainly isn’t in every instance, but law enforcement uses stun guns in their regular course of duty. These devices are used as a non-fatal alternative to control suspects during an arrest. Although police might use these devices, they are still considered a weapon. When used while committing an act considered a felony in Illinois, it can spell trouble. Two men and one woman were recentlyContinue reading
Plea deal for results in dropped charges for Woodridge man
Allegations of sex crimes are among the most serious charges a person can face. Most community members do not take kindly to the idea of an alleged sex offender living amongst them, so prosecutors are under immense pressure to obtain a conviction. Because of this, a well-thought-out defense strategy is extremely important. When most people think of a criminal defense, they think of going to trial.Continue reading