It’s no secret that driving under the influence of alcohol is a very real and dangerous problem in Illinois and across the United States. Those who choose to drive while intoxicated not only endanger their own lives, but the lives of all others around them. However, many of the tests that police use to determine if a person is driving drunk are outdated, can give false readings and are sometimes judgment calls made by an officer. Because of this, some drivers could be falsely charged with DUI. Police in Chicago will be out in full force in the upcoming days, cracking down on suspected drunk drivers.
The crackdown, known as the DUI Saturation Patrol, will take place on the South Side of Chicago during an upcoming weekend. Chicago police say they will be sending roving officers to the 22nd District to look for suspected intoxicated drivers. According to reports, the purpose of the program is to saturate an area with officers in order to better monitor traffic for signs of impaired driving.
Police say they will also be looking for speeders and safety-belt violations. Officers will have breath testing devices at their sides to assist in charging suspected drunk drivers. The special saturation patrols take place on preselected weekends in different parts of the city.
Those arrested and charged with intoxicated driving should know that this charge, although serious, does not constitute a conviction. In some cases, the charges can be reduced or even thrown out altogether. Those who have been charged with a DUI in Illinois have the right to defend themselves in court. Consulting a knowledgeable and experienced attorney can provide much-needed guidance while determining a strategy to increase the odds of achieving the best possible outcome.