Though the criminal justice system handles offenses involving juveniles differently than adults, teens and those even younger can still face serious consequences for their actions. If authorities believe that a juvenile has carried out illegal actions, that person could still face serious criminal charges, even at a young age. Unfortunately, the repercussions for charges could last a long time, which is why it is importantContinue reading
Category: Juvenile Crimes
Category: Juvenile Crimes
How closely can the school monitor your child?
After the high number of recent school shootings, some school districts are considering implementing new technology. This technology would scan students’ social media posts, online school assignments and even emails for potential threats. There is controversy over these new technological practices. Of course, school districts, parents, police officers and the community want school shootings to end. Thus, school districts are willing to implement any technology that mayContinue reading
Juvenile Crimes: New data supports reform in Illinois
It’s no secret that crime among youth is an ongoing problem in the United States. Illinois and many other states have recognized the need for reform in order to reduce juvenile crimes. Studies have shown that youth may benefit more from rehabilitation rather than detention. According to recent data, newly implemented changes are making an impact across the state. Data complied by the Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission shows that nearlyContinue reading
Juvenile crimes: Law will help juveniles get needed treatment
It’s no secret that crime among the juvenile population has been a problem in the state of Illinois for years. Fortunately, state officials and law enforcement agencies have recently recognized the need for reform. Several laws have been passed that focus on rehabilitation as opposed to incarceration and punishment. A new law in Illinois aims to help the parents of those convicted of juvenile crimes by allowing their children to get the needed mentalContinue reading
In Illinois, ages for juvenile crimes may be raised
Across the United States, officials and politicians are calling for reform to juvenile justice systems. Recent studies have shown that juveniles would most likely benefit more from rehabilitation rather than incarceration. In the state of Illinois, politicians and criminal justice reformers are making a push for changes to help with juvenile crimes. They want the state to raise the age of juvenile court eligibility. Currently in Illinois,Continue reading
Juvenile crimes: Leaders come together for reform
Youth and rebellious behavior go together like socks and shoes. The majority of adolescents will rebel at some point and participate in activities that are not always legal, oftentimes out of boredom. Unfortunately, one bad decision can potentially ruin the entire life of a juvenile. Those who are charged with juvenile crimes in Illinois can have their futures stripped from them. Recently, nearly 100 youth advocates came togetherContinue reading
Juvenile Crimes: Illinois leads youth justice reform movement
Crime among adolescents and juveniles has been a problem in America for decades. In recent years, juvenile crimes have continued to increase across the state of Illinois and many other states in America. It’s no secret that reform is needed, and some feel that the solution for bucking this trend could begin with updated legislature to address an outdated system. Illinois is at the forefront of a movement to raise the age ofContinue reading
Being charged with juvenile crimes can ruin lives
It goes without saying that most juveniles will participate in rebellious behavior at some point. Adolescence is not only a period of growth and change, but also a time notorious for rebellion. Some cases of juvenile crimes turn out to be nothing more than bored youngsters just trying to be daring or impress their peers. Sometimes, however, juveniles in Illinois participate in very serious crimes. Recently in Carbondale, a juvenile reportedly led police on aContinue reading
New legislation raises the dentention age for juvenile crimes
These days in America, it seems that youth are lacking the proper guidance. Juveniles experience things differently than adults and often need to be shown direction instead of being harshly reprimanded. However, the criminal justice system in the United States was not set up to favor juvenile offenders. Fortunately, lawmakers in Illinois have recently taken steps to reform the juvenile justice system in an attempt to rehabilitate those convicted of juvenile crimes. A new billContinue reading
Juvenile crimes: Charges against high school student dropped
Adolescence is an infamous time of change and rebellion. It’s no secret that the majority of adolescents will participate in some type of rebellious behavior at some point in their lives. Most of the time, this is nothing more than an outlet for harmless fun. Sometimes, however, it can turn into criminal activity. Being arrested and charged with juvenile crimes can ruin a young person’s life. The arrestContinue reading