Illinois is a great state in which to live and work. Because of this, populations are on the rise across the state. However, this influx of people means that roadways will become even more crowded and dangerous, and motor vehicle accidents will rise as a result. Traffic accidents happen for a number of reasons, but regardless of the reason, accidents are always stressful. This stress can be greatlyContinue reading
Month: June 2019
Month: June 2019
Drugs and your teen: What to expect if they get caught
Substance abuse can impact people regardless of age. It’s particularly common for young adults to try drugs due to peer pressure and their own adventurous nature. The harsh reality is that even a young person trying drugs for the very first time could end up with drug charges against them for possession or impairment. Juvenile offenders are in a particularly unique situation, because they’re young enoughContinue reading
Out-of-state man charged with attempted murder in Illinois
Disputes can arise at any time of day for a variety of different reasons. While most disputes involve a verbal exchange, they can sometimes lead to violence. In some cases, a person might feel that it is necessary to take action to protect him or herself. Unfortunately, a man from out-of-state now faces accusations of attempted murder following a recent shooting in Illinois. The incident happened atContinue reading
In Illinois, ages for juvenile crimes may be raised
Across the United States, officials and politicians are calling for reform to juvenile justice systems. Recent studies have shown that juveniles would most likely benefit more from rehabilitation rather than incarceration. In the state of Illinois, politicians and criminal justice reformers are making a push for changes to help with juvenile crimes. They want the state to raise the age of juvenile court eligibility. Currently in Illinois,Continue reading
New Illinois law could help those convicted of drug charges
Being arrested and charged with a crime can be a humiliating and embarrassing thing for any individual to experience. In Illinois, those who are arrested on drug charges can face very steep penalties, including years of incarceration. However, a piece of legislation recently adopted by the Illinois General Assembly could soon make marijuana legal throughout the state and could expunge the records of previous offenders. The bill is known as the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act. According toContinue reading