It is no secret that sex-related offenses are an extremely serious matter, no matter where you are in the United States, and Illinois is certainly no exception. If you are suspected of involvement in such a crime, it could have a dramatic impact on your life, not only because of the lengthy investigation you could face, but also in the way people view you. EvenContinue reading
Month: January 2015
Month: January 2015
What types of drug crimes are there?
As most people in Illinois know, being found with illegal drugs can be a serious matter. Whether you are using them, carrying them or they are simply discovered within your property, you could face criminal charges. The severity of these will depend on the type and quantity of drugs, as well as their perceived intended use. There are several different types of drug-related offenses and someContinue reading
Know how to get your license reinstated
If you are stopped on suspicion of drunk driving in Illinois, there are several things that could happen. For example, you may be asked to submit to a series of tests to determine your sobriety and blood alcohol concentration. If these show you to be over the legal limit, you could face charges. However, if you refuse these tests, implied consent laws could mean thatContinue reading
Employment scams could get you into trouble
For many residents of Illinois, the thought of facing criminal charges is an alarming one. Many would not dream of breaking the law or engaging in fraudulent activity. Yet every year, many innocent individuals are investigated on suspicion of involvement in such schemes, despite not doing anything wrong. Sometimes simply associating with the wrong people can be enough to bring you under suspicion. For example, someContinue reading
Can you concealed carry in Illinois?
Knowing the gun laws in your home state is extremely important if you intend to carry or own a weapon. Furthermore, if you intend to travel with your gun, it is vital to check the legislation in any states you may be visiting. Illegal possession of a firearm can have serious penalties in Illinois, as is the case throughout the United States, so it is better toContinue reading